2019 Digital Security and Threats Predictions

As 2018 well demonstrated, the financial services industry is increasingly being disrupted by innovation. 2019 looks to be another exciting year for financial technologies. Changes are occurring in various aspects of the industry and across multiple levels within financial services organisations. Whether it be back-office infrastructure, customer experience, digital transformation, or retail banking, these disruptive innovations are generally aimed at...

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One Year of Content with APrivacy (2018)

New financial regulations, privacy encroachments, large data breaches and the skyrocketing rise of chatbots… We can confidently say that 2018 was a challenging year for the FinTech industry. As a leading provider of digital security solutions for financial services, APrivacy has closely followed the trends and wrote articles about these significant changes...

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Chatbots, Millennials, and Banking

The development of chatbots together with Artificial Intelligence (AI) have become an indelible part of modern banking. The sheer amount of data available to financial institutions offer valuable learning opportunities for businesses to better cater to their clients. This technology coincides with the coming of age of millennials, who now make up a significant portion of the workforce....

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The Power of Personalisation in Banking

The concept of digital personalisation is being adopted across a multitude of industries, in all parts of the world. From ecommerce, to accommodation, to vehicles, industries have been disrupted and changed for the benefit of the customer. Interestingly, one industry that has been somewhat hampered by regulations and privacy concerns has been banking, but this too is changing rapidly....

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How Will Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence Reshape the Insurance Industry?

The insurance industry is transforming rapidly and insurance technology companies, aka InsurTech are at the forefront of this change. Cash-rich and tech-aware, the insurance sector has invested in a great number of InsurTech companies that have brought digital disruption to many fundamental aspects of this industry. From insurance policy creation, to underwriting, to claims management, nearly all facets of insurance...

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The Business of Stolen Data

Each day, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data is created. With the arrival of the Internet and connected devices, people rely more and more on technology and as such personal data items are constantly being created, whether it be passwords to access their financial information online or photos to share on social networks....

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How Chatbots are Reshaping UX and UI ?

With messaging becoming an essential part of generating sales leads and driving business development, organisations are looking for innovative ways to stand out from competitors. Chatbots are one of the latest technologies that positively leverage messaging for customer service and engage customers: 63% of respondents declared they were more likely to return to a website that offers live chat (eMarketer)....

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5 Misconceptions about Digital Security

With the ever-increasing number of cyber attacks, it is no longer a question of ‘if’ but rather ‘when’ an organisation will be targeted. Building strong defences against cyberattacks certainly requires that companies implement best-of-breed security technologies. However, companies often have misconceptions about digital security that prevent them from effectively establishing a good overarching security strategy. Here are 5 common misconceptions...

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Open API Framework in the Banking Landscape: Threat or Opportunity?

Talk of the regulatory trend of open banking and the potential disruption to the banking sector is on everyone’s lips. Open banking refers to the use of open APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that makes it possible for third parties - in most cases technology companies – to access a bank’s data and build related services leveraging this information. Open API...

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