5 Ways Challenger Banks are Disrupting the Incumbents

Challenger banks can be defined as new banks seeking to compete with larger and long-established retail banks - the incumbents. Following the global financial crisis, challenger banks started to emerge, particularly in the U.K. and in mainland Europe where regulations have been more tailored towards facilitating their establishment. CBInsights reports that since 2014, these challenger banks have altogether attracted US$1B...

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5 Areas Within the Financial Services Industry Disrupted by AI

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) sector is booming. As of January 2018, over 2,000 AI start-ups in 70 countries have raised more than US$27 billion since 2011 according to Venture Scanner, a tech-focused analytics firm. Financial services companies are leading the way with both the creation and adoption of AI-based technology and AI is already influencing the way the financial system...

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The Evolution of Call Centres in the Financial Services Industry

‘How well a business is able to manage and implement the service delivery process has a direct effect on retention of existing clients, and can have a significant impact on acquiring new business. The result is that satisfaction is based on how well an institution meets and exceeds a customer's expectations in every interaction’ (from the working paper ‘Effective Call...

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5 Key Facts That Will Make You Understand the GDPR Challenges

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force last Friday 25 May 2018, triggering off waves of ‘we have updated our Privacy Policy in preparation of the GDPR’ emails in your mailboxes. This EU regulation covers the protection of EU-based organisations’ personal data as well as safeguarding EU residents’ data processed by foreign companies outside the EU boundaries....

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The Future of Banking is Conversational

User experience (UX) is the key to modern digital banking. The secret lies in delivering effortless and well-designed functionalities while providing compelling digital experiences to banks’ customers. Over the past few years, banks have invested heavily in digital innovation to improve the way they interact with their customers, with an estimated US$20 billion spent on digital transformation in 2017 by...

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