Can you Recall an Email after Sending it? Myth or Reality?

It’s easy to find funny or embarrassing examples of people sending an email in error: forgetting the attachment, detecting an awkward typo just a few seconds later, sending to the wrong person…and these inadvertent mistakes can lead to frustrating or annoying situations.
But when it comes to financial services firms and the confidentiality they must maintain with their clients or even colleagues in the firm, these issues are potentially much more complicated.
In June of last year, people might have thought that the time for a recall email had come, when Google unveiled just such a feature on its Gmail service. But many were disillusioned because of the limited options available. The Gmail recall feature only enables the user to undo sending an email for 30 seconds after the message is sent as it simply withholds the email from being sent for that period. So, it really is only a delay, and not a genuine “pull back” solution.
It’s possible to recall an email with Microsoft Outlook in certain limited circumstance. Once you send the errant email, you can potentially recall it, but only if the recipient is also on a Microsoft Exchange server, which is not always the case. If the recipient uses something other than Microsoft Exchange or if they are not logged in, you cannot use the recall function.
What if we told you that it is actually possible to recall an email anywhere, anytime and on any device? That persistent control actually exists and that you have the ability to retract your emails when you want and from any email providers?
APrivacy has created a real pull back email functionality which gives financial services firms the ability to control all aspects of email: from recalling an email to preventing the recipient from forwarding the message, to restrictions on copying, saving, downloading or even printing.
How does it work? Our patented data centric technology secures the data itself, making the email secure and manageable independently of any devices or services used. APrivacy’s patented technology is delivered on top of existing bank or insurance infrastructure, permitting fast and cost effective deployment with persistent controls on every email sent.
Banks and insurance firms and their clients can use their favourite provider to send emails securely and natively, as the solution is platform-independent (Gmail, Outlook, iCloud) and device-independent (iOS, Android, Windows). For example, if a private bank sends confidential information to a client, but then realises it was not the correct recipient, it could simply recall the message and any sensitive data sent, even if several days have passed and thus be able to maintain a high level of data security and regulatory compliance at all times. If an investment banker doesn’t want its email recipients to forward a specific email to other people, it can either put an auto-expire (auto-destruct!) option on the message or revoke the rights when needed and prevent any leakage or redistribution.
Banks and insurance firms and their clients can use their favourite provider to send emails securely and natively, as the solution is platform-independent (Gmail, Outlook, iCloud) and device-independent (iOS, Android, Windows). For example, if a private bank sends confidential information to a client, but then realises it was not the correct recipient, it could simply recall the message and any sensitive data sent, even if several days have passed and thus be able to maintain a high level of data security and regulatory compliance at all times. If an investment banker doesn’t want its email recipients to forward a specific email to other people, it can either put an auto-expire (auto-destruct!) option on the message or revoke the rights when needed and prevent any leakage or redistribution.
Thanks to our patented technology, the independent APrivacy platform enables companies to combine security and a seamless user experience while providing the ability to indefinitely control the information they deliver. It seems that the power of the pull back is finally here.

About APrivacy

Digital Security Perfected – APrivacy Ltd. is an award-winning company which combines military-grade data security with a seamless user experience on any platform, any device, anywhere. APrivacy Ltd.’s enabling technology now allows the financial services industry to confidently communicate with clients using their favourite channels leading to increased revenues and reduced costs while meeting the strictest regulatory requirements.